April - Thankful

ARB is Thankful. . .

April - Thankful

What is ARB thankful for this year?

2020 has been a year full of unexpected surprises and developing new norms. However, through the chaos, ARB has continued to find ways to enjoy our work and each other. With Thanksgiving behind us, ARBers took a moment to reflect on what they have been most grateful for this year. . .






Alyssa - Thankful

Alyssa This year I am thankful for family, especially meeting my sister, Heather, for the first time! We didn’t even know about each other until this summer. She was put up for adoption at birth and recently decided to look for her biological family and I’m so thankful she did. It’s been such an amazing surprise and the greatest gift to meet sister.”

April – “I am thankful for all of the opportunities this year has brought, and for the (virtual) support and encouragement of my family and friends!”

Arianna – “Hugo and Lupe!”

Bill – “I’m grateful for my flexible job and the health of my family.”


Brittany - Thankful

Brittany – “I’m thankful for my sister and best friend, Katelyn (who recently got engaged!) I look to her as a role model because she lives her life the way she wants and she always stays true to herself. I’m excited for her and her fiancé to start a new chapter in their life with their little pup, Ace. She’s one of the most genuine people I know and I’m very thankful to have her in my life.”

Carmin – “Something I’m thankful for this year is my garden! While spending more time than usual at home and not being able to go out, I’ve been grateful to have my garden to work in and watch things grow, while also learning a lot and being able to grow some of our own food.”

Cassidy – “In addition to being thankful for first responders, health care professionals, teachers, and my family, this year, I’m thankful for the little things that bring happiness into my life: chocolate, Hallmark movies, free shipping, being healthy, hugs, & toilet paper.”

Cheryl - ThankfulCheryl – “There is so much to be thankful for! I am thankful for the great leadership and team we have here at ARB. I am also so thankful for my friends, family, and pets, and for TECHNOLOGY in the time of COVID! Who knows where we would be without it!”

Christina – “This year I am especially thankful for my new husband, Eamon. This has been one crazy year, and I am so thankful to have had him by my side through everything. I don’t know how I would have gotten through it all without him.”

Dalton – “This year I’m thankful that I was able to safely spend time with my family at the race track despite what’s gone on.  I’m also thankful for my kitten, Rosie!”

Dan – “I am thankful for my children and for all the great people who make ARB a great place to be!”

Gisele - ThankfulGisele – “I am thankful for my health, and that of my family and friends.  I am thankful for the kindness and community of our neighborhood.  I am thankful to be living in Maine during these times, when being able to access and enjoy the outdoors is more important than ever.  Most of all, I am thankful for the amazing partner I have to share this crazy life with.”

Holly –“ I am thankful for so many things….my family (including our two puppies), health and happiness, taking a walk on a warm day, our work families both at ARB and CCB (Sean’s work), kindness from friends, neighbors and even strangers, living, working and playing in the great state of Maine, ability to work and thrive during these crazy times, a good book beside a warm fire on a cold day….”

Jason – “Certainly, in the 2020 pandemic, we are thankful for the health of our families and friends, but COVID has also allowed me a unique window into the lives of my two college-aged daughters. Upon their return home in the spring semester to complete the academic term, I was provided a glimpse into their day to day lives as students and young adults. It was a truly gratifying opportunity to see their maturity, dedication and motivation through such challenging times.”

Kathy – “I am thankful that my family is all healthy and we will all be together on Thanksgiving”

Kevin – “I am thankful for the geographic layout of Maine. Being close to the ocean and the mountains makes living very enjoyable and provides many opportunities for rest and relaxation. Hiking being the activity that I endeavor to the most. I’m also quite fond of lobster and certain other forms of seafood.”

Kris – “I am thankful for my job at ARB!”

Laura – “I am thankful for my family’s good health and our opportunities in 2020 to get out and enjoy the beautiful state we live in.”

Matt M – “I’m thankful for my little helpers/personal chefs who never miss a photo opp.”

Meagan – “I am thankful for being able to move back to Maine to be closer to family!”

Nicole – “I am thankful for the newest addition to our family, Emmett! He’s managed to make what has been labeled by many as the ‘worst year ever,’ the best one of my life.”

Rebecca - ThankfulRebecca – “This year I am thankful for many things, but extremely thankful for the following three: The birth of my sweet Juniper Drew – the calmest and most content babe in all the chaos of 2020- she was exactly what we needed this year; My daughter Louna, who is a light in so much darkness; And all the time we were able to spend outdoors exploring Maine through hikes, days at the beach, and lots of picnics!


Sam – “Family and health”

Shirley – “For me it is my family, my mom and dad and father in law. I am thankful that I get to spend these final years with them, and I am not a thousand miles away.  My husband. He has been my backbone, my tower of support and my best friend. My son and beautiful granddaughter. And my fur babies Bella, Brie and Tucker 3 hounds that were rescued, along with my two kitties Harley and Davidson.  I am also thankful to be working for such a wonderful firm, who understand family and strive each day to keep all their employees safe.

Tom – “I am thankful to be living in a time of tremendous technological changes in medicine and to have access to a team of incredibly skilled and caring medical personnel. I am thankful for working with clients who see me more than just their advisor/tax person. I am thankful for being part of a firm that is so selflessly supportive of me during this journey.  I am thankful for my family, with their encouragement and love for me.  Particularly, the unwavering love of my wife during this stressful, trying time for us both. Finally, I am thankful for the genes my ancestors shared with me allowing me to face this journey with strength, a smile, and the ability to always ‘keep my eye on the prize.'”

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