People Solutions Podcast: David Jean on Talent Management

STM People Solution Podcast Cover Image Abstract. David Jean on Podcast.

People Solutions Podcast: David Jean on Talent Management

STM People Solution Podcast Cover Image Abstract. David Jean on Podcast.

In this podcast, STM People Solutions Podcast, ARB’s David Jean spoke on important talent management strategies.  In a recent conversation on the podcast, the question came up, “Why do we treat our best people so poorly?”  David Jean was brought on to tackle this important question. Good people and talented workers on teams can easily be overworked. This could happen for a variety of reasons that should be on the radar of  any manager wishing to retain team members. David names these common team-work trappings: 

  • Taking the path of least resistance. A talented worker faces overloading and burning out because it’s assumed they will get the job done right without any hand holding. In these cases, managers often  don’t proactively delegate to balance the workload fairly.  .  
  • Talent training takes the spotlight and rockstars are left with little support.  When managers spend too  much  time trying to develop green or underperforming employees, they may inadvertently ignore the needs of high-performing or tenured  employees. Everyone on the team needs support. 
  • Relying too heavily on your best employees. Failing to invest in developing other talent because you know you can always turn to a handful of your best people is a trap!  It’s important to create a large web of reliable workers so that you can remain resilient in the face of inevitable change. 

Don’t risk burning out and losing the best people on your team. Learn more about this interesting topic and how to avoid these management traps that could lead to attrition. Listen to the podcast here.

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