PPP Loan Forgiveness Workbook

ppp loan forgiveness workbook

PPP Loan Forgiveness Workbook

ppp loan forgiveness workbook

We are currently updating all of our workbooks to reflect the most current rules. Please check back soon for new files.


Looking for additional assistance? Our PPP Services Group is helping businesses submit complete and accurate PPP forgiveness applications for expeditious and favorable responses.

Over 46,000 companies have downloaded the PPP Loan Forgiveness Workbook.

ARB and B&R are CPA firms who enjoy a collaborative relationship.  We are happy to have worked together to create this comprehensive tool for loan forgiveness. Please note, the Tool is not a “Precision Tool.” It has been prepared using the CARES Act, the SBAs Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application, as well as any other relevant guidance available as of May 18, 2020. Additional guidance issued by the SBA and Treasury Department after May 18, 2020 may materially impact the loan forgiveness calculations. Please see the tab labeled “Significant Assumptions” for a list of assumptions that may change as official guidance is released. For actual loan forgiveness, please verify the information provided in these calculations to ensure its accuracy. We hope you find the tool useful and look forward to assisting you with these calculations. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions.

Check back soon for new workbooks!

by Barton Haag, CPA and Holly Ferguson, CPA




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